APUSH Mnemonic Device Archive 2011-2016
A mnemonic (with a silent "m"), or mnemonic device, is any learning technique that aids memory. Commonly encountered mnemonics are often verbal, such as a very short poem or a special word used to help a person remember something, particularly lists, but a mnemonic may instead be visual, kinesthetic or auditory. Mnemonics rely on associations between easy-to-remember constructs which can be related back to the data that are to be remembered. This is based on the observation that the human mind much more easily remembers spatial, personal, surprising, physical, sexual or humorous or otherwise meaningful information, as compared to retrieving arbitrary sequences.
The Road to War 1763 to 1776
Click Here for Revolutionary War mnemonic
B.E.F.A.T (1791)
Hamilton's financial plan: BANK of the U.S., EXCISE tax (remember whiskey?); FUNDING at Par; ASSUMPTION of state debts; TARIFF
(I picked this one up from Steven Machado? back in 2007)
Old Light vs New Light colleges
Miss PINCKNEY (1795)
The Pinckney Treaty provisions: (Spanish concessions) The US was granted free navigation of the Mississippi River to the U.S. including right of deposit at the port city of New Orleans. This yielded large area north of Florida that had been in dispute for over a decade. The 31st parallel recognized as legal border between U.S. and Spanish Florida. Ratified by Senate in 1796.
Don't confuse Pinckney with the Jay Treaty of 1794
$.A.F.E (1796)
Washington's Farewell address: STAY AWAY from FOREIGN ENTANGLEMENTS; The "s" is a $$$ to represent Washington's call to maintain commercial ties
C.S. I. Marshall (1801-1834)
The Supreme Court under Chief Justice John Marshall (one of Adam's finest Midnight appointments) used the bench to promote a strong central government - CONTRACTS (Dartmouth vs. Woodward) SUPREMACY (McCulloch vs. Maryland)INTERSTATE commerce (Gibbons vs. Ogden)
M.A.T.T Barbary (1801-1805) The Barbary War (Morocco Algiers Tunis Tripoli - The Barbary states)
War between USA and Tripolitania, 1801-05. Tripolitania corresponded to modern northwestern Libya. The Barbary pirates continued to attack US vessels in the Mediterranean Sea, and disagreements as the level of tribute required from the US. The US Navy had been reduced (thanks to TJ reduction in government spending - oops)
R.P.I. (1824)
Henry Clay's American System: RECHARTER the B.U.S; PROTECTIVE tariff; INTERNAL improvements
A continuation of the Hamiltonian vision
One the most important Justices
The Jacksonian C.U.S.P (1828)
A "cusp" can be defined as a point of transition (as from one historical period to the next). The age of the common man -
CAUCUS system is replaced by conventions; UNIVERSAL SUFFRAGE; POPULAR elections
iTRIP Market Revoltuion(1815–1860)
inventions (1800, 306 patents; 1860, 28,000 patents) - Samuel F. B. Morse (telegraph, 1849) Elias Howe (sewing machine, 1846; perfected by Singer); John Deere (steel plow, 1837);Cyrus McCormick (mechanical mower-reaper, 1830s)
transportation revolution: spreading networks of turnpikes, roads, canals, and railroads National or Cumberland Road (1811, completed in 1852) ; o Erie Canal (1825, 364 miles—Albany to Buffalo); The steamboat; Robert Fulton
Immigration: 1840 to 1860, 4.2 million immigrants (mostly Irish 1845-46 [potato blight], 1.5 million); four out of five settled in the Northeast
Population Explosion: 5.3 million in 1800 increases to more than 23 million in 1850; urban population quadruples from 1800 to 1840. By 1852-53, Boston and New York had 50% foreign-born populations. One of every two people in New York City in 1852 was born outside the United States. The Northern cities, seats of market culture, commercialism, manufacturing, were immigrant cities.
Miss Mary Del Tucky (border states during the Civil War)
The border states, Missouri Maryland, Delaware, and Kentucky - although committed to slavery chose to stay in the Union, They didn't secede and become part of the Confederacy. If they did it might have prolonged the Civil War by a few years. If Maryland joined the South it would have meant that Washington D.C., which was the U.S. capital, would have been surrounded by Confederate territory. It would have been much harder to defend. President Lincoln was careful not to do anything to offend those border states. Even when he issued the Emancipation Proclamation on Sept 22, 1862. It declared that all slaves in states in rebellion against the U.S. would be freed. It did not include the slave states that were the border states.
M/C question....
Causes of the Civil
C (Candidate Lincoln) A (Abolition) U (Upper Industry) E (Expansion of Slavery?) S (States Rights)
Civil War Amendments (1865 to 1868)
Slaves Can Vote:
13th Amendment outlawed Slavery,
14th Amendment Extended Citizenship
15th Amendment granted the right to vote to black males
Plessy vs Ferguson (1896) PLESSY
Overturned by the Brown Case in 1954
Hey Garfield Are Cats Helping Clean Mouse TRaps
Hayes - Garfield- Arthur - Cleveland -Harrison - Cleveland - McKinley - Teddy Roosevelt
Alfred Mahan
My A merica H as A N avy
R.I.P.E $ - Imperialism
Immigration #s Quotas in 1920
1901-1914 13 million
New Deal
Relief Recovery and Reform
Mic and Ike
Great Society
Classrooms, Cities, Countryside
Reagan Revolution
Reorganize, Reduce, Reshape
Gideon vs Wainright
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