Control corporations, trusts
Citizen protection
Clean up government
Conserve environment
Relief for unemployed
Recovery from the Depression
Reform of financial institutions, economic system
Continue/expand New Deal with special attention to economic security
Continue/expand New Deal with some attention to civil rights, education
Complete New Deal with special attention to poverty, cities, civil rights, healthcare, education
Hepburn Act
Pure Food and Drug Act
Clayton Act
Northern Securities Case
Federal Reserve Act
Federal Trade Commission
Newlands Act
Keating-Owen Act
Progressive Amendments
(16th, 17th)
National Industrial Recovery Act
Agricultural Adjustment Act
Civilian Conservation Corp
Public Works Administration
Social Security Act
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Tennessee Valley Authority
Securities and Exchange Commission
Wagner Act
Desegregated military
Employment Act 1946
Raised minimum wage
Expanded Social Security
Proposed civil rights program
Civil Rights Act
Aid to education
Public housing
Mass transit
Head Start program
60 education acts
Medicare/Medicaid Act
Civil Rights Act
Voting Rights Act
Economic Opportunity Act
Immigration Act
Highway Safety Act
Model Cities Act
Housing Act
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