Presidential Doctrines
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last edited
by Mr. Hengsterman 11 years, 4 months ago
Presidential Doctrines
Area of World
Western Hemisphere
Greece and Turkey
Middle East
Reason(s) for issuance
Feared Spain would try to recolonize Latin America
Feared Russian claims on west coast of U.S.
Part of containment strategy
Feared Soviet pressure in Greece and Turkey
Designed to block communism in oil rich Middle East
Feared Soviet moves in the region
Redefined U.S. containment policy, yet reassured allies that U.S. would not retreat to isolationism
Responded to U.S. experience in Vietnam
No new colonies in Western Hemisphere
Existing colonies left alone by U.S.
U.S. would stay out of European affairs
Discouraged the extension of monarchies into Americas
U.S. would provide economic aid to help nations resisting internal or external communist threat
Congress gave president power to provide economic and military aid to nations resisting communist aggression
Put Soviets on notice of America’s resolve
U.S. would maintain collective security and containment by economic and diplomatic means
U.S. would aid allies, but not with American troops
Example of Action
U.S. intervened in Venezuela
British boundary dispute in 1895
Sent $400 million to Greece, Turkey
Sent troops to Lebanon in 1958 to restore order and to support America’s ally
Gradual removal of U.S. troops from Vietnam (Vietnamization)
Presidential Doctrines
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