
Reconstruction Plans- Chart

Page history last edited by Mr. Hengsterman 11 years, 7 months ago


Reconstruction Plans




Who was in charge?

President Abraham Lincoln


President Andrew Johnson

Thaddeus Stevens


Charles Sumner


Other Radical Republicans


April-December 1865


Had the South left the Union?

No; executive branch believed it needed to restore the states to their proper relationship with the Union

Yes; the southern states had left the Union, were conquered territories, and should be treated accordingly


Proclamation of Amnesty and Reconstruction 1863, 1865


Vetoed Wade Davis bill 1864


Pardoned most ex-Confederates


Thirteenth Amendment 1865

Civil Rights Act 1866


Renewed, expanded Freedmen’s Bureau


Fourteenth Amendment 1868


Reconstruction Acts 1867-1868


Tenure of Office Act 1867


Fifteenth Amendment 1870


Force Acts 1870-1871


Civil Rights Act 1875

Elements of Plans

South must:


     renounce secession


     ratify Thirteenth Amendment


     10% of voters from 1860 must swear allegiance  

     to Union


     Confederate officers, officials, wealthy must

     make special request for pardon

South must:


     ratify Thirteenth, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth



     accept black citizenship


     accept black men voting


Put 20,000 troops in the South


Confederate officials, officers, soldiers could not vote


Civil Rights Act of 1875 provided for social integration

Aid for Freedmen

None provided; up to the individual states to decide how and to what extent newly freed slaves would be helped

Created Freedmen’s Bureau, providing welfare and education to former slaves


Provided troops to protect black voting rights


No permanent land distribution, which gave rise to sharecropping and tenant farming


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