Frequently Asked MC questions
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by Mr. Hengsterman 10 years, 9 months ago
Freqently Asked Multiple Choice Questions
- Puritan motive (build a city on a hill, i.e. provide a model)
- Motive of those settling Virginia (seek profit)
- 1st Great Awakening (Ivy League colleges founded by New Lights)
- Deism
- Albany Congress, 1754 (Franklin, first attempt to unite colonies – failed)
- Legal rights of women (Colonial Era)
- Stamp Act / Stamp Congress
- Slavery in pre-independence times
- Indentured servants (all the rage prior to slavery)
- Proclamation of 1763
- Articles of Confederation
- Bill of Rights (1st 10 Amendments to Constitution, protecting individual liberties, and giving states the powers not directly given to the feds)
- Attitude of founding fathers towards political parties (Jeff “We’re all feds, we’re all reps)
- Hamilton’s economic plans
- Shay’s Rebellion
- XYZ Affair
- Marbury .v. Madison
- Louisiana Purchase – why ? control mouth of Mississippi
- Hartford Convention (federal law null & void ??)
- Eli Whitney (interchangeable parts to rifle, cotton gin)
- Henry Clay’s “American System” (high tariffs, BUS, federal funding of internal improvements)
- Monroe Doctrine
- Andrew Jackson (Indian removal, veto Congress, opposes nullification, opposes BUS, supports Westward expansion)
- Trail of Tears
- Nullification, John C. Calhoun, Tariff of Abominations (1828)
- Transcendentalists
- Ralph Waldo Emerson (stressed individuality, self-reliance)
- Wm Lloyd Garrison, “The Liberator” – abolitionist
- Harriet Tubman – Underground Railway
- Dred Scott .v. Sanford, 1857 (slave is not a citizen, slave is property, Missouri Compromise is dead)
- Popular Sovereignty
- Kansas-Nebraska Act
- Douglas’s Freeport Doctrine (popular sovereignty can exclude slavery anywhere)
- Primary cause of Civil War (maintain the union)
- Emancipation Proclamation, 1863 – gave North the moral high ground, calculated to win support of Britain & France)
- Radical Reconstruction
- Compromise of 1877 (ends Reconstruction in South)
- Knights of Labor
- Dawes Act, 1887 (assimilate Indians into mainstream America = kill tribal identity)
- Social Gospel
- Populists – farmers’ party, wanted “free silver”
- Yellow Press (Hearst, Pulitzer – called for war with Spain. “Remember the ‘Maine’”)
- “New Immigration” – from SE Europe, after Civil War (Gilded Age)
- Open Door Policy (open access to China for Am investment)
- Du Bois & Booker T. Washington
- Muckrakers (Sinclair Lewis, Mother Jones)
- Germany’s unrestricted submarine warfare (main reason for US joining WWI)
- Wilson’s 14 Points (Article X). Wilson lost vote in Senate ‘cos he wouldn’t compromise on wording. Senate didn’t want US totally tied to L of N charter)
- Bonus Army, 1932 (give us our bonus, now)
- 100 Day Congress, New Deal
- Civilian Conservation Corps
- Cuban Missile Crisis
- Brown .v. Board of Education (overturned old Plessy .v. Ferguson)
- Sputnik, 1957 ~ arms & space race, & education receives greater emphasis in US
- Sit-Ins, 1960, Greensboro, NC (seeking integration of public facilities)
- Civil Rights Acts 1960, 1964
- Malcolm “X”
- Gulf of Tonkin Incident (& Resolution – gave LBJ a free hand to escalate Vietnam War)
- Watergate
- Tet Offensive, 1968
- Camp David Accords (Carter, Begin & Sadat, peace in Middle East)
Frequently Asked MC questions
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